John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
John Aquila
It's kind of a scary thought, but reality shows the POWER of a cult. The member's thinking becomes so warped, that the cult becomes the most important thing in a person's life and family members-children, parents, wives, and husbands become not even second but almost like a vestigial structure that just hangs there but is not necessary for anything and can be dropped in an instant. -
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
John Aquila
I’ve seen JW parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years. And visa-versa. I’ve seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from Wills and give the inheritance to the Watchtower.
If your country got run over by some form of government like the Nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat. And the WT got in favor with this government, and was asked to help it identify any dissenters.
What do you think would happen to you if the Governing Body in this position of power, asked the faithful WT J-dubs to hand over their apostate or disfellowshipped children or parents to the authorities to be dealt with in whatever manner the new government saw fit.
Would they stay faithful to the WT Organization------Jehovah’s Only True Channel on earth?
Or would they be Unfaithful and protect you and miss out on Everlasting life on Paradise earth. (at least in their mind)
This may sound crazy, but guess what, I asked this 50 years old regular pioneer sister what she would do if she was asked by the GB to stone her disfellowshipped son. Her answer-----
“I would be faithful to Jehovah”
Oh, the power of a cult huh!
Where you are in your life now.....What would you have preferred .... To be left in ignorance ? ...Or to know the truth about the truth
by smiddy ini think possibly their are a few valid reasons for either options to this question ,depending on a number of factors .. such as how old you might be, how long you have devoted your life to the "truth" as you believed it .
? it may affect your mental/physical health and well being.?.
how it will affect your financial position in your life ,?
John Aquila
Lets see, I don’t have to get freaking ready every single week and rush to get to a meeting so you can be in time to join in singing some stupid song. (I always hated the WT songs)
Instead, I stay home and listen to Marven Gaye or Chris Botti songs.
I don’t have to listen to stupid presentations for 30 minutes on how to place publications. (Isn’t that called a sales meeting?)
Now I sit back at home with a hot or cold drink and watch the new fall, spring, or summer TV shows.
I don’t have to prepare for some stupid 5 minute talk for the Theocratic school
Now I practice the Guitar.
I don’t have to get up early on Saturday to work laundry mats and then meet at the hall to arrange field service and then go door to door and wake up people and get them mad.
Instead, I walk or jog in the park, go out for breakfast, work on my lawn, watch a movie, and if I meet some nice, beautiful girl and she’s willing, I will spend a nice evening with her.
I don’t have to get up early every freaking Sunday morning to go to the kingdom hall and listen to the worst speakers in the world give the same old talks about the end of the world, don’t date worldly persons, and don’t go to study at the University.
I don’t have to prepare for hours studying the Watchtower magazine so I can give ONE prepared-forced-comment from the Watchtower about “Listening and Obeying the Faithful Slave”
Instead, I stay in bed as long as I want, putter around for a while, go out and have breakfast, and the rest of the day is all mine, for whatever I want
I don’t have to save my money for some stupid trip that starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday evening. Spend the whole trip on a 3 day convention, sitting uncomfortably for 8 hours in a suit and tie.
Instead I can go to a 3 or 4 day trip to Hawaii and enjoy the beach.
And I don’t have to waste several weekends during the year for special day assemblies or volunteer my spare time to enrich the WT Corporation which will give me nothing back in return.
Instead the weekends are all mine.
I don’t have to be an elder and chase down people at night or at their job to see if they touched someone’s breasts or saw a rated R movie. And I don’t have to sit in on a judicial meeting and judge some poor 14 years old girl who got baptized at 8 years of age and now has to face 3 old men asking her questions on how the boy at school touched her and if she liked it.
And I don’t have to put up with some ignorant, no experience in life C.O. who thinks he is the smartest man on earth and has been given power by the GB to do whatever he wants with the Jdubs.
Now I laugh at what C.O.’s really are. Glorified imbecilics.
Would I have preferred to stay ignorant?
A better question is, “Why the hell didn’t I wake up earlier??
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
John Aquila
When I was newly married, I hugged my wife during the song and was counseled not to do that because it would cause the friends to have improper thoughts about us having sex. -
Summary of CO visit this week.
by StarTrekAngel inso i was eagerly (add sarcasm) awaiting the co visit this week.
for once because is less work being at the meeting.
i just have to sit down and listen.
John Aquila
Beth Sarim
''we may receive instructions that may seem strange, but we must be willing to obey whether they seem strategic from a human standpoint or not''
Just cut the green wire and don't ask questions!
Do you agreed with Ben Carson, Muslim should not become president??
by James Mixon ini do believe islam conflicts with constitution.
your thoughts.
John Aquila
What we're really talking about is whether we want any form of extremist religious nut job in such a powerful position
KH reinstatement letters filed
by Olivia Wilde indoes anyone know if you can request your original reinstatement letters back from the congregation.... mine contained too many specifics & personal information that i prefer for no one to know & have access to 2 elders of that committee are no longer there, i've been reinstated 4 yrs & had been df'd for 3 years & i had wrote 3 letters until finally was acepted by 3rd one,..... has anyone attempted to get them back?
since ttat i don't feel comfortable for anyone to know deeply private things i wrote in those lettrrs...
John Aquila
what happens to them?.
When I was an elder, one copy goes to the WT Headquarters, one copy is kept by the secretary and filed. All elders have access to the letter and many times if you move to another kingdom Hall, some elders will tell the other elders the specifics of what you did to get disfellowshipped. It's true what Sir82 said, elders don't keep anything confidential. Many swap stories between congregations, others tell the families and friends what the person did, especially sexual acts, and if they get removed as elders or or step down, they are not bound to keep things confidential.They can tell whoever they want.
They will not give you the letter or any copies, those are WT property.
My story of past time.
by pureginseng0 in
if you visit above web site, you will find my posts of past time!!
thanks.. from south korea.
John Aquila
Welcome pureginseng0
I knew a South Korean Sister who visited for about 6 months, her name was Ming-wa and she was good at playing the piano.
Since the brothers have to go to prison for a few years, do they have a hard time getting work once they get out of prison? Why don't they marry the single sisters when they get out of prison?
1975 all over again!!!
by John Aquila inwt study edition jan. 2015.
here is the bait:.
as the number of kingdom proclaimers increases and as we near the end of this system of things, there is an urgent need for more facilities.
John Aquila
My mom has surgery scheduled in October they told her not to go, because she may miss a chance to live in paradise, while she is recovering in hospital.
WTF!!!! -
"Raymond Franz: You did not go to heaven"
by opusdei1972 inthat was the title that i found in a blog.
this blog belongs to a witness apologist.
indeed, i was shocked on account of the arrogancy.
John Aquila
If ANYONE has made it to heaven.........surely they would let us know it.